Research and Development

Elhadba Alkadra General Hospital actively supports research efforts conducted by therapeutic areas of interest to the patients. These researches can provide valuable information regarding the safety of patients. Correspondingly، the research strategy employed is multiple case-study because of the need to explore different views about the problems from multiple cases, the advantage of the multi-case study design is that it is reliable, however the disadvantages are that they are potentially time consuming and expensive to conduct. This is owing to the fact that it requires an analysis of multiple cases, which may be time consuming. But will take cognisance of the limitations and plan accordingly in the course of the research project timeline

Research Program

Elhadba Alkadra Public Hospital grants primarily in our therapeutic areas of expertise and based on the scientific merit of the proposal. The research must be intended to contribute knowledge to the medical community. In considering applications for support, Elhadba Alkadra Public Hospital will also consider the expertise of the proposed principal investigator and any sub-investigators, including their experience in the relevant therapeutic area, demonstrated ability to successfully conduct clinical trials, and available resources.

Clinical Trials Transparency & Data Sharing Policy

We strive to ensure that our research practices are transparent, responsible and fully compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

We have staff dedicated to ensuring the timely registration of clinical trials, communication of research results and release of clinical trial documents. We collaborate with external medical experts and scientific researchers to advance clinical research and enhance public health.