Therapeutic Nutrition

The Therapeutic Nutrition Department, in cooperation with the medical departments, provides
inpatient and outpatient services with nutrition services.

The department also oversees the quality and quantity of food and enteral nutrition provided to
inpatients, as directed by the physician, and our team of therapeutic nutritionists works with patient
health care personnel to provide specialist advice, as part of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and
integrated approach.

Our outpatient clinic services include:

  • A healthy diet that includes all nutritional needs.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Chronic conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, and
  • cardiovascular disease.
  • Eating disorders when eating and loss of appetite.
  • Hormonal disorders including thyroid gland, female hormonal imbalances, and others.
  • Food allergies and digestive disorders.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Weight regulation.