Obstetrics and gynaecology
Obstetrics and gynaecology department provide high quality and appropriate services to all patients, we provide excellent and antenatal, post natal and gynaecological care and ensure privacy and confidentiality for patients and families. The department sees around 36.400 patients for antenatal care, deliveries 6000 babies normal delivery and by caesarean section per year and deal with about 36.000 patients Obstetrics and gynaecology emergency per year, doing hysteroscopy about 500 cases per year, hysterectomy about 300 cases per year, myomectomy about 150 cases per year, ectopic pregnancy about 100 cases per year, evacuation & curettage for incomplete miscarriage about 1000 cases, laparotomy about 100 cases per year. We place great emphasis on medical and surgical services, patient’s care and education as well as staff education and development to achieve high levels of patient and staff satisfaction.
The Obstetrics and gynaecology department is divided into the following units :
- Outpatient clinic.
- Inpatient.
- Emergency Room.
- Labour Word including normal delivery & caesarean section.
- Diagnostic services and surgical procedures.